Tag: connection

  • Connection


    Connection. To find a way to you. A bridge. A bow line. A tunnel. A link in a daisy chain. That is why I write this blog. To connect. To connect with you. With people I love. With strangers. With myself. With the universe. I feel that is why we are put on this planet.…

  • The Good Stuff – Links for Shayne

    There are good things happening in this world. If you watch the news (which I don’t), I know it is hard to believe, but it’s true. For me, last week was a pretty good one. My first article, on life being too short for crappy friends, went live on the Best Kept Self website. I was able get together…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge-Connections

    Daily Prompt: Connections Connections are bonds of love.  This picture of connection touches me deep in my soul.  My teenage son on the left and my younger brother on the right.  They live 700 miles apart.  They see each other once a year.  Yet, their connection is a force to be reckoned with.  It is…