The Good Stuff – Links for Shayne

There are good things happening in this world. If you watch the news (which I don’t), I know it is hard to believe, but it’s true.

For me, last week was a pretty good one. My first article, on life being too short for crappy friends, went live on the Best Kept Self website. I was able get together with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while, and my son who is a college freshman came home for a quick visit.

To keep up with my BFF’s request for links, and in an effort to counteract the negativity and just plain junk that floats through the blogosphere, here is a recap of the good stuff that caught my attention last week.

Teens get a bad rap for poor attitudes and selfish behavior. Having two of my own, I know this label isn’t totally unwarranted. However, I have to believe deep down, way, way down, teenagers are really good and sweet. This confirms my suspicion. 

If you are putting off traveling until the time is right, DON’T. Life is too short to wait. Young or old, there will never be a perfect time. Here is how to avoid one of life’s most common regrets. Can you tell I feel strongly about this?

As you probably know, I do not enjoy cooking. But I do it out of necessity. I am always looking for meals that are simple, healthy, and tasty. I know, I want it all. Luckily, these seem to cover all three. I’ll report back after I actually try one.

For me, this life is about connection. On whatever level, just connecting with another living being. This experiment was simply beautiful. Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes for longer that a quick minute? Watch this and you will be moved. Plus, you will be curious to try it. 🙂

For a quick chuckle. And who doesn’t love a chuckle.

If you need some music to move to. I dare you to watch and listen to this without shakin’ your booty! This is definitely my next karaoke song!

And finally, a piece by Susanne over at The Dusty Parachute.  A blogger I relate with on a few levels and whom I admire for her wit and honesty. A poem telling clueless parents to shut the f**k up!

Have a great week!

Salty Kisses


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