Weekly Photo Challenge-Connections

My son on the left and my brother on the right. We were headed to a Dodger game, hence the matching blue shirts. They had no idea I snapped this picture.

Daily Prompt: Connections

Connections are bonds of love.  This picture of connection touches me deep in my soul.  My teenage son on the left and my younger brother on the right.  They live 700 miles apart.  They see each other once a year.  Yet, their connection is a force to be reckoned with.  It is a bond formed on a soul level, I am sure by my mother, before my son was even born.  They love being together.  They respect each other. They laugh at the same jokes. They “get” each other.  They are like the same person living in two bodies, generations apart.  This connection makes me happier than anything I can imagine.

Each holds part of my heart and together they make it whole.


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