What Are You Jonesin’ For In The New Year?

SUnrise over my house in Seal Beach.
Sunrise over my house in Seal Beach

I always get excited around the New Year.  I like the idea of starting fresh. We have a chance to reinvent ourselves if desired.  Or to continue on the path we are on and take it to the next level. To examine where we are in our lives and decide how we want to live.  Who we want to be!!  Of course, we can do this at any time of year but a new year gives us a little nudge.

People have been turning away from making New Year’s resolutions.  Our resolutions are often too grand and difficult to stick to. Sometimes we make too many and aren’t able to complete them all.  There is a tangible goal at the end and when this isn’t met it leads to a feeling of failure.  We tend to set ourselves up for discouragement.    Resolutions often times require determination, will power, and tenacity.  All good things but a tad on the aggressive side when trying to make lifelong changes. It becomes about trying harder to reach the finish line.  Sometimes, we don’t reach it. Then we end up feeling crappy because we just didn’t have the strength of mind.  Rightfully so, people start not believing in making New Year’s resolutions.

The word “intention” is also used more around this time of year.  “I don’t make resolutions I make intentions.”  This word is a bit softer.  Not as aggressive as resolution.  An intention is an undertaking, something we intend to do.  An aim or pursuit.  Something we put our mind to. If I “intend” to achieve something I give myself an out.  If I don’t reach it,  it’s ok because I only intended to get there. I didn’t really commit.

Neither of these concepts really fit for me.  When I started thinking about what I may want to change in the New Year I thought “What am I ready for?”  “What am I jonesin’ for?”

Jonesin’ is a term surfers use to express when you really want something or are really ready for something.  “I am jonesin’ for a surf session right now!” or “I am jonesin’ for a big, juicy hamburger right now!”

What am I jonesin’ for? What am I ready for?  What will I be open to?  This implies I am anticipating change.  I am preparing myself to be ready for all the awesomeness that is in store for me in 2014!!

Whatever we call them, I think resolutions or intentions or goals are exciting!  But we need to be ready!  Ready for growth.  Ready to be our best self.  We don’t want to settle. We are jonesin’ to look at the possibilities.

As I thought about this…I looked at what I was jonesin’ for. Things I am ready for on land and sea…

I am ready to be more patient.

To not hurry my surf sisters along when I feel their parking lot chatter is too lengthy and keeping us from the surf.  Also, to be patient with myself in not yet knowing what I want to be when I grow up.

I am ready so soften my competitive self.

To stop counting my waves in relation to others and to stop comparing myself to others on land.  To be happy with what is.

I am ready to disconnect.

Ever since I got an iPhone I am obsessed with social media and constantly checking emails and texts.  I check my phone constantly and I pride myself that I am a quick electronic responder.  I LOVE connecting with people this way…on facebook, instagram whatever.  It helps me stay tied to people, to share their lives, but sometimes I need a little separation.  I need to distance myself from all that chatter, no matter how lovely, and just be.

I am ready to express myself more.

I tend to be a stuffer. I am not good with confrontation or addressing the hard uncomfortable things.  I am not always true to myself in this way.  In order to be authentic, I need to be honest with my feelings and thoughts. If I do not I will surely drown in emotion and resentment.

I am ready to follow my heart more.

Whether it is a small thing like surfing somewhere other than what the group wants or a large thing like really committing to educating myself on becoming a small business owner.  I am jonesin’ to be less concerned about fitting into other’s expectations of me and more about listening to my heart and doing what makes it soar.

So in looking at these “resolutions”, “intentions” or what I’m “jonesin’ for”…there seems to be a theme.  Each of these requires at least one of the following:

Being in the moment. Being present.

Honesty. Being real.

Courage. Being brave.

If I narrow my desires for the New Year down into these themes, they become manageable.  It becomes a mind shift not a task that needs to be accomplished in order for me to feel successful.  It is being mindful of how I want to be in the world and making decisions based on these themes. On these things I am ready for.

I am ready to be present.  I am ready to be real.  I am ready to be brave.

If I keep these in my mind when going through my daily life, in and out of the water, I can ask myself these questions?

Am I in the moment?

Am I being courageous?

Am I being honest?

If I can answer yes to one of these in each of my decisions I make then I can say I am successful in 2014.

A photo I snapped of the sunset at the Seal Beach pier.
A photo I snapped of the sunset at the Seal Beach pier.

Like the Seal Beach sunrises and sunsets as of late, I am ready to be amazing!!  I am jonesin’ to become my best self possible in 2014! I am ready!

There is no finish line.  Nothing tangible to say I have completed a task.  There is merely a desire to grow and keep getting better. To being ready for the possibilities. Everyone makes mistakes.  No one is going to be perfect in every situation and decision.  But if we are mindful on how we want to be in the large and small moments and move in this direction then we can say we have arrived!

Many Salty Kisses in 2014!


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