Tag: Seal Beach Pier

  • Angular


    I took this photo while standing atop the Seal Beach Pier; a place I love to go and be alone with my thoughts.  Many times I will take my camera just to see if I can capture anything interesting.  This was a shot taken looking straight down into the water along the length of one…

  • Surfing, Fear, and Jury Duty

    Two weeks ago I was called for jury duty.  The morning I was to report, I packed my new book and was resigned to the idea of spending my day in a courthouse.  From previous experiences, I was anticipating a lot of waiting. Long story short, by lunchtime I was on a jury. We were…

  • What Are You Jonesin’ For In The New Year?

    I always get excited around the New Year.  I like the idea of starting fresh. We have a chance to reinvent ourselves if desired.  Or to continue on the path we are on and take it to the next level. To examine where we are in our lives and decide how we want to live.…