Tag: purpose

  • Why Finding Your Purpose Is Bullsh*t

    Why Finding Your Purpose Is Bullsh*t

      We hear ad nauseum that while on this earth we are supposed to find our purpose. That we need to figure out our calling and make a living at it. Well, I’m here to say, that is a load of BS. If we buy into the bull that people try to sell us about…

  • Where I’ve Been

    Where I’ve Been

    A Wahine Wednesday Flashback Surfing has led me to where I am today. I have learned so much through my surf journey and it has led me to this exact moment. For those of you new here . . . my journey blogging began through my love of surfing. I started a blog to document…

  • Why Busy Moms Need to Make Time For Themselves

    Why Busy Moms Need to Make Time For Themselves

    An Interview With Barbie: A horse lover and amazing mom of four who had to learn to let go of the guilt and give herself permission to do what she loves. K.S.:  Let me tell you a bit about why I wanted to interview you. This topic is very personal for me. I have happily been…

  • Are You Really Living?

    Are You Really Living?

    “Am I Really Living?” An Interview With Sarah: A stay at home mom to three boys, cancer survivor, and lover of books and all things vintage. K:  Let me tell you a bit about why I wanted to interview you. This topic is very personal for me. I have happily been a stay home mom…