Just Say Yes

Just Say Yes

Just Say Yes
Just Say Yes

I am a firm believer in saying YES!

Yes Man with Jim Carrey is one of my favorite movies.

If you haven’t seen it I recommend it highly. The premise is about a guy who lives a stagnant life. Never reaching out and grabbing opportunities for joy that come his way. Then, he forms a covenant and HAS to say yes to everything that crosses his path. This ends up opening up his world to incredible happiness. It changes his life.

This is unrealistic since we can’t say yes to everything. We can’t say yes to things that are illegal or harmful or out of the scope of our value system. Yet, we can say yes to everything else. What is holding us back?

Saying YES to opportunities that come my way is an easy step in making the most of my days on this earth. Sometimes it can be something simple like accepting an invitation to a new restaurant or joining someone on a walk. Other times, it can be something that takes me out of my box and challenges me to try something new like a hip hop class or parasailing. Either way, saying yes is crucial if I am to live a full and vibrant life.

[Tweet “Saying “yes” is crucial if I am to live a full and vibrant life”]

Sometimes I am busy or tired or not feeling very social. Sometimes things just seem like too much trouble. Sometimes things are new, strange, or out of my comfort zone.

These are exactly the times when I need to say YES. These are the times when I am letting some external factor, something outside myself, steal my joy.

This is when I need to agree to step away from complacency and LIVE . . . to have fun and do something delightful.

It is easy. It doesn’t have to be a huge deal. Just something simple. Like a free summertime concert.

Everyone relaxed and enjoying the evening.
Everyone enjoying the music as the sun sets.
A free concert is an easy way to bring joy.

Sometimes I feel like I have to do grandiose things like skydive or travel to awesome places like Bali to really live. To really be happy. That is a false belief. Those things ARE amazing and certainly would enhance my life.

Yet, all I really need to do is to choose to be happy in my everyday. To make simple choices to bring joy to my life. To say YES to living in the moment.

[Tweet “All I really need to do is to choose to be happy everyday.”]

To just say YES! To something simple like a free concert . . . or One Salty Kiss. 🙂

Salty Kisses,


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