Just Do It

Just Do It

Just Do It
Just Do It

I’m a list maker. When I don’t accomplish my tasks, they get transferred to the next list. Sometimes this goes on for months. There are just some things I do not want to do. They seem too time consuming, too boring, or just too hard. What I continue to be reminded is that no matter what area of life I am dealing with, I just need to do it. To suit up, put one foot in front of the other, and do it. Stop thinking about it. Stop making excuses. Stop complaining and just do it. It is really that simple.

The people at Nike know what they’re talking about!

I used to be in great shape.  I would do spin class, put in time at the gym, and of course surf.  I felt amazing. My heart was healthy. I was toned. I actually had abs.

Then life got in the way. Funny how it’s so easy for me to let exercise be the first thing to fall off my list.

So today, after five months out of the gym, I just did it. I put my work out clothes on, got my iPod and water, and drove myself to the gym. After not stepping foot in there for five months, I just went. And guess what. . . IT FELT AWESOME! I forgot how much I love running. I actually love sweating. I love pushing myself just to that point of “Oh My Gawd!” Whether with exercise or other areas of life. When I push myself, I never regret it.

When running on the treadmill, the first five minutes are always the worst. I always have to talk myself through those first five minutes. Then once past it, I know I can do it. It will get better. Starting is the hardest part but once I get momentum, it becomes easier. That’s true for other things as well. Whether with running, surfing, blogging, my relationships, taking on challenges, or just the responsibilities of life. Whatever it is, once I make the commitment to start, I will gain momentum and make it to the proverbial finish line.

One thing that helps me is music. I can always find a song for my mood to help encourage me no matter what I’m doing. As for working out, I could never run if it weren’t for my iPod playlist.

This song came on today as I was three minutes in; as though the music gods knew it would help me along. It never gets old.


Are there things you have been putting off? What has been stopping you? I encourage you to just do it, just begin and you’ll be surprised how easy the rest will come.

Salty Kisses


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