How Going Green Is Sexy

It is not only physical clutter that can weigh us down. The emotional clutter is just as detrimental.

Ocean Love
Ocean Love

Recently we celebrated World Oceans Day. The ocean is a pretty important resource on this planet and I am especially fond of it! It has brought me hours and hours of joy! I am so glad to know with all the Hallmark holidays, there is a day dedicated to the sea.

I respect a person who is conscious about the planet and takes steps to protect her.

Have you every stopped to think about how much plastic we use everyday? One day I decided to collect all the plastic and non-recyclable materials my family was throwing away in a day. It was shocking. We just mindlessly throw things in the trash thinking they will magically disintegrate. But think about it, multiply all the things your family discards and multiply that by the billions of people on this earth. All that garbage is sitting in landfills and unfortunately makes its way to our oceans.

[Tweet “We just mindlessly throw things in the trash thinking they will magically disintegrate.”]

Being environmentally conscious and taking action takes work. Our society is all about quick and convenient.  This has led to a planet being suffocated by materials that are NOT earth friendly. I made myself a list of easy things we can do to love our planet, to treat her with more care, and show her our immense gratitude for all the beauty and resources we so eagerly take.

[Tweet “A list of easy things we can do to love our planet and treat her with more care.”]

We in California are in the midst of a huge drought so being ecofriendly and saving water should be our number one priority right now anyway.

I am sure these aren’t new for you but, as for me, a little reminder never hurts.

  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  • Be mindful about running water when doing the dishes.
  • Take quick showers, no baths! Sorry ladies!
  • Water your lawn by hand in the early morning hours.
  • Wash your laundry in cold water.
  • Turn off your computers at night.
  • Recycle newspaper, glass, and aluminum.
  • Recycle cell phones.
  • Use rechargeable batteries.
  • Change your lightbulbs to led.
  • Don’t buy plastic water bottles, get in the habit of using a reusable one.
  • Buy local.
  • Use your cruise control.
  • Use your own coffee cup.
  • Take hangars back to the dry cleaner.
  • Use reusable grocery bags.
  • Pay bills online.
  • Adjust the thermostat a little higher in the summer and a little lower in the winter.
  • Don’t get in your car as much. Walk to run errands or go to dinner.
  • Before you throw something away, see if you could repurpose it or give it to someone who may need it.
  • Use cotton swabs with a paper board spindle instead of plastic.
  • Reduce your meat consumption.
  • Grow a garden.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Don’t litter . . . this trash always ends up in the ocean.

See, these are easy things. If we all did a fraction of these, we would be on our way to reducing pollution and maintaining our natural resources.

[Tweet “Going green is sexy.”]

When we think about issues larger than ourselves and show care to our planet, we tell the world that we are givers, not takers.

It lets people know we are willing to take the extra effort, even if it is uncomfortable or inconvenient, to preserve what God has given to us.

We let people know that we are educated, and not ignorant to the issues facing our natural world.

We communicate that we appreciate all Mother Earth provides and we can make an extra effort to protect her.

It shows we are loving.

When we take care of our planet, we are caring, generous, giving, educated, appreciative and loving.

See, going green is sexy!

And if you still have doubts, check out these sexy folks who are all making strides to improve the environment: Jack Johnson, Gisele Bundchen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, and Robert Redford.

Let me know what ecofriendly tips you have to help all of us become a little sexier! 🙂

Salty Kisses!


For more environmentally friendly ideas for the utmost sexiness – check here.

Let’s socialize!





2 responses to “How Going Green Is Sexy”

  1. I actually do pretty much everything in the list except for limiting my meat consumption due to the fact that I don’t really control that, although I only eat 8 meals a week, so that probably counts somewhat.

    If I were to add an item to this list it would be to learn to appreciate old stuff. Wherever possible, try to acquire something old or used rather than purchasing new. Get in the habit of reusing and upcycling old items and materials to get the most out of them before they head for recycling or the dump. That often has the beneficial side-effect of saving money too. 🙂

    • That’s awesome Rob! These ideas are really simple and hopefully a no-brainer for most people. There are definitely things we can do to take our environmental sexiness to the next level, but it’s a start.