A Few Unexpected Perks of Being A Surfer

Perks of Being a Surfer

Perks of Being a Surfer
Perks of Being a Surfer

I have been a surfer for 11 years.  I frequently think about all the amazing things that come with being a surfer.

The ability to be close to God and nature.  Getting to hang out with people who are pretty cool.  Being able to get my heart pumping and muscles moving outside in the fresh air. Continually learning about life through my lessons in the water.  Being able to participate in an amazing sport that I am obsessed with.  Having a heck of a lot of fun.

Then I started thinking about all the unexpected perks that come with being a surfer.  Here are just a few:

  • Vanity is long gone.  As I check the surf, I no longer care who sees me unshowered with bed head, no makeup and fresh pillow creases on my face.
  • I have become extremely comfortable with going commando.  Sometimes we will grab a bite after surfing. Since I leave my house in a bikini with clothes thrown over, I have no underwear with me.
  • Frequent pedicures are a necessity, especially in the summer.  My heels get pretty nasty from constantly being barefoot.  Something about the sand and the parking lots but it’s truly a job for the professionals.
  • Wearing a wetsuit is like wearing a catsuit made of spanx.  It nips and tucks in all the right places.
  • I have a huge collection of bikinis.  Bikinis are basically my uniform.  I have a few nice ones and a few Target specials but I have accumulated a drawer full!
  • I have become excellent at laughing at myself.  Whether I’m wiping out ass over tea kettle or walking to the parking lot with seaweed in my hair, there is really no reason to take myself too seriously.
  • I no longer care if there is sand in my car or in my ears…because there always is.
  • Surfing forces me, especially in the summer,  to keep my lady grooming high and tight! (Sorry kids!)
  • I have become a boss at jamming as many boards and people into my car as possible.
  • The smell of surf wax is sexier to me than any expensive cologne and a heck of a lot cheaper.

Besides the obvious surf stoke, these are a few additional benefits that come with surfing.

I’d love to hear of any unexpected perks you come up with.

Salty Kisses,



4 responses to “A Few Unexpected Perks of Being A Surfer”

    • HaHa Chris! Afraid not…don’t want to scare off readers! 🙂 Surfing is one of those things that isn’t just something you do, it becomes part of who you are! Thank you so much for taking time to read my post and to comment!! Have a great weekend!

  1. While I’m not a surfer, I do consider myself a water person. Swimming (in a pool) is my main form of exercise these days, but during the warm water days of summer, nothing beats a great day of boogie boarding. Back in the day, my mom used to take us to Santa Monica beach, and we’d rent rafts. We’d be out in the water all day long. My mom would drag us out of the water to eat lunch, and sit for the required hour so we wouldn’t get cramps (pure torture), then she’d pull us out of the water again before the raft concession stand closed for the day. I still prefer to do my exercise outside. I’ve also gotten over being seen with wet messy hair, no make up, and a bathing suit. While my bikini days are long over, it still took some getting used to wearing a ‘speedo’ type suit at my age to get in the water. But, one of the good things that come with age is you don’t worry about what people think so much anymore. If I want to swim, which I do, then I have to wear a suit. I’ve met some great people at our pool, of all ages and sizes, and just like anything else, you get to know the person and disregard all other things! Good read Karen!!

    • Love it Karen! Thank you for sharing! I would love to be in the ocean with you one of these summers! I love your vibe and your spirit! And once you become an ocean person, you’re one for life!! Thank you for reading and for commenting! xoxo