Tag: Surfer

  • Rule of Thirds in Surf

    Rule of Thirds in Surf

    I am a very green photographer. A passion for photography is something I have only discovered since starting my blogs and needing photos to go along with my words. It has actually surprised me how much I enjoy it. I delight in the wordpress photo challenges because it forces me to use photography as another…

  • A Few Unexpected Perks of Being A Surfer

    A Few Unexpected Perks of Being A Surfer

    I have been a surfer for 11 years.  I frequently think about all the amazing things that come with being a surfer. The ability to be close to God and nature.  Getting to hang out with people who are pretty cool.  Being able to get my heart pumping and muscles moving outside in the fresh…

  • Minimalist


    The theme for this week’s photo challenge is minimalist. “Minimalist photography is characterized by a large portion of negative space, a fairly monochromatic color palette with good contrast, and an interesting subject that is able to stand on its own to capture the interest of the viewer.” I chose a few photos from my home town…

  • Refraction


    This weeks photo challenge on Word Press: Refraction Here is my interpretation.  I hope you like it. I am a total newbie photographer and I love experimenting with light.  I know the light source is supposed to be behind me for the best quality photo but sometimes I like shooting directly into the sun.  I…