Tag: trying something new

  • Are You Ready To Live Your Dreams In The New Year?

    Are You Ready To Live Your Dreams In The New Year?

    The tagline on my personal instagram account is a song lyric from the band Switchfoot. “Every breath is a second chance.” Every moment of our lives we get another chance to live our dreams; to create a life worth living. I believe this all year long, so I am not exactly sure why I get…

  • Sushi: Cure For A Food Rut

    Sushi: Cure For A Food Rut

    I LOVE sushi!  Adore it! If I could have one meal for the rest of my life-it would be sushi! However, I tend to get in food ruts even with my beloved sushi. Ordering the same things. This is one way I stay in my comfort zone, by eating the same things and going to the same…