Tag: blogging

  • Why Getting Dumped Is A Good Thing

    Why Getting Dumped Is A Good Thing

    Getting dumped never feels good but read this to find out why it’s actually a good thing.

  • Where I’m Headed

    Where I’m Headed

    I haven’t been here in a while. I brush the imaginary dust off as I sit to type. I have neglected you and for this I am truly sorry. Wahine Wednesdays is where it all began. It is the foundation of an incredible journey that continues to become more magical as time unfolds. I owe…

  • Where I’ve Been

    Where I’ve Been

    A Wahine Wednesday Flashback Surfing has led me to where I am today. I have learned so much through my surf journey and it has led me to this exact moment. For those of you new here . . . my journey blogging began through my love of surfing. I started a blog to document…

  • Turning Your Passions And Dreams Into Reality

    Turning Your Passions And Dreams Into Reality

    How do we turn our passions, what we love, into our dreams, what we desire, into our reality? First off, let me give you my salty definition of passions and dreams. Passions are the things you would spend all day doing if you could.  Things that makes your heart soar. Turning a passion into a dream makes…

  • Small Steps You Can Take To Get Out Of That Comfort Zone

    Small Steps You Can Take To Get Out Of That Comfort Zone

    Do you need help getting out of your comfort zone? Here are small steps to get you there.

  • Why I Blog

    Why I Blog

      If we live to be 82, we have approximately 30,000 days on this planet. DAYS! Our life can be reduced to days and half of mine are behind me. I started this blog because I want to make the most of my 30,000 days and I want to see how others are doing the…

  • Always Be True To Yourself

    Always Be True To Yourself

    “Always be true to yourself,” my mother would say. “Don’t try to be something you’re not.” She was right when she imparted this advice. I have been reminded of this wise tip over the past few months.  It doesn’t feel right to try to squeeze yourself into a mold that isn’t yours. It simply doesn’t fit.…

  • I’d Like To Thank……………………….

    I’d Like To Thank……………………….

    The Liebster Award   A few mornings ago as I was sleepily thumbing through my Facebook feed I received a sweet message from my fellow blogger Jenn at The Art of Better. She let me know that she had “nominated” me for the Liebster Award. This “award” is pretty great actually. I use quotes because it’s…