Simple DIY Breast Cancer Ribbon Painting

I have recently discovered that I love to paint.  It is therapeutic for me.  So when I decided to do one thing each day to promote breast cancer awareness, I thought painting would be perfect.  After getting some inspiration from The Creators Canvas, I decided to incorporate the breast cancer ribbon in the painting.

Again, this is a super simple project and very versatile.  It can become whatever you envision.

Here are the materials I used.

  • canvas
  • acrylic paints of various colors
  • various sizes of paintbrushes
  • water
Breast Cancer Painting Materials
Breast Cancer Painting Materials

After covering my work surface, I went to work.

Breast Cancer Painting In Process
Breast Cancer Painting In Process

There is no wrong way to do it. And I think truly, the goal is to have fun.

I start out with a base idea, but I don’t try to replicate something exactly.  I put my personal twist on it.

I enjoyed this because I just started painting, not really knowing what direction it would go.  The more I painted the more I realized there was no wrong way to do it.  It came out was exactly what it was meant to be.  And it was perfect.

Breast Cancer Painting
Breast Cancer Painting

The key is being patient with myself.  Because in the end…it is all good!


Happy painting and salty kisses!


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