Are You Happy With Just Okay?

Do you want more than just okay?
Do you want more than just okay?

Don’t You Want More Than Just Okay?

When people ask how you are, do you say, “I’m ok,”?

Don’t you want to say more?

Don’t you want to say, “I am great! My life is fanf**kingtastic!”?

Do you know you only have about 30,000 days on this planet? If you live into your 80s, this is your timeframe.

You have about 30,000 days to make your life fanf**king tactic. Days.

So how ya doin? Are you doing all you dream about? Are you taking steps to live your life to the fullest? Are you living boldly and unapologetically?

You get ONE chance. Are you making the most of it?

I want you to sit back and really think about this.

If the answer is yes, and you are happy with the trajectory your life is on, then high-five homie! Woot Woot! I’m doing a party dance! And you probably are, too!

But, if the answer is no, and you feel stagnant and unfulfilled, or even scared because time is slipping away far too fast, I’m here to tell you it’s okay.

It’s not too late.

Here’s the good news! Every moment of your life is an opportunity to change. With every breath you take you have a chance to craft a life you love.

[Tweet “With every breath you take you have a chance to craft a life you love.”]

If you want more than okay, it’s never too late.

And there’s more good news! Acknowledging you want more out of life is an important first step! You’re already ahead of the game because sadly, some people go their whole lives stuck inside a life they don’t have the courage to change.

Never admitting to themselves or others that they want more.

But not you!

You’re tired of feeling that dull ache inside that says, “There just has to be more.”

And you’re ready to do something about it.

In order to design a life you’re in love with, you will need to harness your courage. You’ll need to pull it out and hold it tight. Put it in a bear hug and refuse to let it go back into hiding.

You may not think you have much courage, or you may believe you’re not a brave person, but I beg to differ.

You are fierce. You are mighty.

You may have just forgotten.

This life takes courage to live. Heck, just getting through high school takes boatloads of bravery!

[Tweet “This life takes courage to live.”]

Then there are births and deaths; successes and failures; disappointments and embarrassments; losses and change; things we have to grapple with that we just don’t understand.

You have already done some of these! And you did them courageously. So don’t tell me you’re not brave. You have just forgotten.

If you want to live a life that is more than okay, filled with belly laughs, shrieks of excitement, and overwhelming awe, you’re going to have to continue to risk the tears and disappointment. You’re going to have to head into the unknown. You’re going to have to make yourself vulnerable.

And this takes courage.

Are you ready?

In order to crate a life you love, you are also going to have to learn how to escape your comfort zone. It has a tendency to hold us captive. So get ready to live outside the walls of what’s comfortable.

[Tweet “Our comfort zone has a tendency to hold us captive. “]

Sometimes, we become so comfortable, we develop an aversiveness to change. So much so that we start to believe change is bad. “Things are comfortable in here, why would I want to change?”

I’ll tell you why! Because you deserve more than comfortable You deserve more than just okay.

[Tweet “You deserve more than just okay.”]

Start thinking of the things you’ve always wanted to do, but have put off because it hasn’t been the right time or you don’t have any experience, or it’s scary, or everyone thinks you’re crazy when you mention it.

Start accessing all the dreams you had when you were younger. Find them. Dust them off. I’ll wait . . .

This might be hard. You might fall back on those old excuses as to why you can’t travel to Italy or become a salsa dancer or backpack through the Sierras.

It IS hard giving our dreams priority . . . but that’s why it’s worth it.

If you have a difficult time giving yourself permission to pursue your dreams and live a life that is more than just okay, try this. Pretend your doctor just told you have 24 months to live . . . 730 days. Will you continue to make excuses? Will you continue to be content with ok and comfortable?

I hope not. I hope you take your pretend diagnosis and design a life that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.

[Tweet “I hope you design a life that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. “]

I hope it gives you the courage to finally give yourself permission to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do. No matter how crazy or off the wall or unrealistic they seem to other people.

The trouble is, we think we have time. But really, the time is now. This is the only moment we are guaranteed. And it is the perfect moment to start living our dreams.

[Tweet “This is the perfect moment to start living our dreams.”]

Because guess what, if that diagnosis ever does come, you won’t have the strength to do all those things you’ve been putting off.

My mom received a cancer diagnosis at 48 years old and died just shy of her 51st birthday. I’ve seen what a death sentence looks like, and let me tell you, when the focus is on survival, it’s hard to find energy for dream chasing.

People do it. It can be done. It’s just not easy.

Hopefully now I’ve lit a fire under your butt. Hopefully you realize, now is the time to start living your life to the fullest. That you deserve more than just okay.

You’ve been waiting long enough.

[Tweet “Now is the time to start living your life to the fullest. “]

If you are ready to live life to the fullest, but aren’t sure how to start, stay tuned. This is the first in a three-part series on boldly creating a life you love.

For inspiration on living courageously and unapologetically, sign up for my monthly newsletter. You won’t regret it!

Salty Kisses,


10 responses to “Are You Happy With Just Okay?”

  1. What a beautiful post and definitely a great reminder for me! Not knowing how many days I have left is sometimes the reason I don’t go for it. I think “there’s plenty of time to get back to that.” Thanks so much for sharing this. It makes me want to live more today. 🙂

    • Ah perfect Rev! There is so much to do on this planet and not enough days to do it all in, no matter how many we have! I am so glad this resonated with you! Yay! Thanks for your comment! 🙂

  2. Hi Karen, I love all the quotes and some truly hit home. Life is all about understanding and choices. One day we are joyful and maybe the next not so much. Sometimes life is a slog and sometimes we can’t wait to breath the air and go out and just be! Great things to ponder here, Beth

  3. Karen, I have to say, it depends on which day you catch me. Some I don’t want to get out of bed and others I’m raring to go. I’m not even sure what causes each mood. Maybe its the moon? I don’t know.

    • I appreciate your honesty Laurie! And I totally get that, some days it is SO much harder to charge life! I told my friends I am going to keep a journal tracking my moods daily-they’re constantly in flux! I blame the hormones-haha

  4. Great post. Living our life our way is so much more nourishing, fulfilling and grounding. I made that shift 10 years ago and never looked back. Now as I reach for a bigger dream, your blog is perfectly timed. Thank you Karen 🙂

    • Ah I’m so glad the timing is perfect for you Nicole! That’s the cool thing about chasing our dreams . . . they keep getting bigger! How exciting-go get ’em girl! 🙂