Are You Making Time For Your Passions?



There is a myth out there that says we must find and follow our one true passion. And if we’re really doing it right, we’ll make it our career.

This doesn’t make any sense to me. We are all born with a multitude of passions, plural. There are many things in this life to be passionate about, so why would the universe limit us to just one?

We are FILLED with passions. It’s simply too much pressure to be told to somehow track down the ONE.

(For more on this, see what my girl crush, Elizabeth Gilbert, has to say about passions here.)

We were all designed with a unique blueprint and our passions are part of this blueprint. They are a pivotal piece of who we were designed to be. To ignore them is to ignore a part of ourselves.

To uncover our passions, we must look inside and discover what we hunger for. Then we must have the courage to go out on limb and go after them. If we don’t take active steps to pursue our passions, we will be falling short of our potential. We will never become all we were meant to be. (For tips on uncovering your passion, click here.)

[Tweet “If we don’t take steps to pursue our passions, we will fall short of our potential.”]

When our children are young we expose them to an excessive amount of activities, (creating extremely over scheduled kids, btw), so they can see what they like; what they’re drawn to.

It’s the same for us. The way to uncover our passions is by exposing ourselves to as much of life as possible. We must give ourselves permission to pursue the things we yearn for.

There is a crazy notion that we have to make money with our passion. That how we choose to make a living has to thrill us every day and make us jump out of bed in the morning to go to work.

Well, let me just say, if you have the drive, persistence, creativity, patience, hustle and grit to make your passion your career, I send you fist bumps and high fives. That is AWESOME! If you can make that work, by all means DO IT! ( FYI-It’s still work!) 🙂

Turning a passion into a career is ideal, but isn’t always possible, and that’s ok . . . as long as you are making time for your passions somewhere.

It’s important to do a job you like, something that is in line with who you are. But, if it’s not necessarily something you’re passionate about, make the time to do things that set your soul on fire outside of work. If you don’t, you will shrivel up. You will slowly start to wither away and become unrecognizable to yourself. True story.

[Tweet “Turning a passion into a career isn’t always possible, but make time for your passions somewhere.”]

We were made to be passionate! We were made to love; to love people, to love ourselves, to love experiences, to love life. And if we are not exploring, taking care of, and devoting time to what we love, then we’re not living up to all we were meant to be. We are not making the most of our one shot at life.

We were put on the planet to take the gifts and passions that are unique to us and run with them.

No one was given your specific set of talents and desires with exactly your voice and heart and soul . . . no one can do exactly the things you were designed to do in exactly the way you were designed to do them.

[Tweet “No one can do the things you were designed to do in exactly the way you were designed to do them.”]

So make sure you’re doing them!

If you’re not, you’re depriving yourself, and the world, of your most vibrant and happy self!

When you find your passions, like the quote says, success will follow, but not because you will be killing it financially. Success will follow because it will make you happy to pursue your passions with courage and curiosity.

Success will follow because you will be fulfilled, making the most of life, while living true to who you were lovingly made to be.

Salty Kisses,

What do you think? Do you think we have more than one passion??

For more talk on passions and making the most of your one fabulous life, sign up below for the One Salty Kiss newsletter. You’ll be glad you did!

8 responses to “Are You Making Time For Your Passions?”

  1. This was a timely message for me! Trying to split my time between my 9-5 and my passion projects has been draining– especially while trying to make those projects lucrative. Thank you for these words!

    • This is my favorite kind of comment to read! I love when I read a post that comes at the perfect time! Thank you so much for letting me know this resonates with you! Good luck and keep at it! I know we have to put food on the table but, our passions are what truly keep us alive! Thank you for reading!