Tag: 9/11

  • 9/11 Memorial Museum: Depth

    9/11 Memorial Museum: Depth

    In visiting the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City, I was taken right back to September 11th, one of the worst days in our country’s history. The horrific events of 9/11 brought shock, sadness, disbelief, and fear. But, the days following 9/11 exposed personal stories and examples of goodness and hope. I relived each…

  • Joy Through Pain

    The day before yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of the deadly shooting at Salon Meritage in Seal Beach where 8 people had their lives senselessly taken from them.    Seal Beach of all places.  The sleepy little surf town that has been my home and safe haven for 16 years.  October 12, 2011 was a…