Category: Relationships

  • First-The Beginnings of a Surfer

    Beginnings…..   Like a rose bud that is sheltered from the elements having yet to completely unfurl and experience the warmth of the sun, the first time surfer is just beginning on an amazing journey that comes with riding a surfboard.  They have no idea the exhilaration that is about to greet them as they…

  • Paddling Into The Fog

    Trying something new outside our comfort zone, can make us feel like we are headed into the fog, not sure where we are going.

  • “I just wanted to be sure of you.” Piglet

    I have had cause to stop and meditate on my relationships lately. Connections with friends and family. These ties that bind us.  The way we navigate these ties and how we determine when to pull tighter and when to loosen and unbind. Recently I was hurt emotionally…deep…to my core.  So painful that my first reaction was to…

  • Women Who Run With The Tides

    An amazing short film about older female surfers. This sweet film captures the very essence of Wahine Wednesdays and I think the heart of women surfers everywhere. Tiare and I had nothing to do with the making of this film but are thrilled it has been made! It truly makes me smile from ear to…