Category: Motivation/Inspiration

  • Three Surf Wahines on Wednesday 41

    Here are the three wahines that paddled out for this 41st Wahine Wednesday. The sky was breath taking today as it has been the past few days.  The soft pink and blue that cast a gentle light on the faces in the line up.  The  still air that held the glass on the waves in…

  • Now when this surfer catches a wave all of his limitations are replaced by the joy of the moment

    I never cease to be amazed by people. How they handle and overcome obstacles. What if you were told you have a disease that will eventually steal the ability for you to do what you love? This is happening to Ryan Levinson. And he is not going down without a fight! I am so inspired…

  • Sun Going Down On So. Cal.

    Driving down the coast, I just had to pull over and snap a picture of the sunset. The lone kite in the sky, the lights in the distance, the people on the shore.  We are all living our lives the best way we know how. I think we’re doing alright. K

  • Mourning A Loss Of A Friend

    One of my friends died on Sunday. She wasn’t a close friend or a best friend, but a friend. She was my sweet friend.  I met her though the repeated crossing of our daughter’s paths.  I did not know her intimately. We merely shared stories and smiles at back to school nights, PTA board meetings,…

  • Stoke Is A Verb

    Stoke Is A Verb

    Surfers use the word stoke a lot. “I was so stoked yesterday, the waves were firing.” They use stoke in place of happy, joy or fun. They use it to describe the way surfing makes them feel. However, a traditional English dictionary version of the word stoke is: To stir up and feed a fire; To tend a…