What Are You Doing With Your 30,000 Days?

Just Say Yes

Make the most of every day.
Make the most of every day.

If we are lucky enough to have a normal life expectancy, we will live into our 8os. That is approximately 30,000 days. Days! Our life can be reduced to days!

This number, 30,000, made me start to think about my life differently.

Life is not infinite. I know sometimes we feel it is; we feel we have plenty of time. We feel we have time to take that trip, to start that new career, to learn that new language. Time to make that call, to see what all the hype about truffles is really about, or time to say “hi” to that cute guy.

We believe we have time. But, do we?

Maybe we do have time to take it slow. To play it safe. To remain safely moored in the harbor.

But, what if we don’t? Are you willing to take that risk?

Maybe we do have time to play things safe. But, what if we don't? Are you willing to take that risk? Click To Tweet

The universe constantly sends us reminders that life is short. Messages that are sent out of love to try an ignite a fire under our butts, telling us to do it now. Pursue our dreams and live with passion . . . right this very minute.

The universe also wants us to listen to that voice inside, our intuition. It is telling us to be true to who we are and to follow our heart. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the roles we play and the hats we wear, that we neglect this voice. We forget she is there.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the roles we play and the hats we wear, we neglect our inner voice. Click To Tweet

Here’s help if you have forgotten how to listen for your inner voice.

We ignore her because we are busy trying to give people what we think they want. We are afraid people aren’t going to like what we have to say. We aren’t confident enough to go against the grain. Well, you know what happens when you try to fit into a mold that isn’t yours? It feels terrible. It just doesn’t fit.

When we deny our true selves and ignore our intuition, we deny our own fabulousness.

We are telling ourselves:

“You’re not good enough the way you are.”

“You need to be something different.”

“You have to change to be something people want.”

Why would I ever want to say that to myself?

I would never say that to my daughter, or to a friend, so why is it okay to say it to myself?

We need to make a conscious decision not to compromise who we are.

[Never compromise who you are Click To Tweet

If we are brutally honest, today may be the last day we have. Are we willing to spend it doing something that doesn’t bring us joy? We need to ensure that if today were our last, we would be happy with how we spent it.

What Are You Doing With Your 30,000 Days? Click To Tweet

Have you ever heard stories or known of people whose lives ended way to soon? Of healthy people contracting horrible life threatening diseases? Of people having their lives changed in an instant because of an accident? Yeah – me too. We all have.

This is the universe screaming at you! Trying to get you to see how important this simple message is!


Too short to spend your life being comfortable. Too short not to take a running leap outside of your comfort zone to go after your dreams. Your big, huge dreams along with your tiny day-to-day dreams. The dreams you keep safely locked in your heart, protected from risk and fear.

Life is too short not to be honest with yourself about your true heart’s desire.

Too short not to shout your dreams loud and proud!

Listen to that little voice inside you. If you take time to be still and really listen to her, she will never steer you wrong. She knows what is in your heart and all it takes is the courage to go after it.

The risk is too great not to listen to your heart and set your dreams free.

Really think about what I’m about to say . . .

LeBron James, Walt Disney, and Oprah Winfrey have made the most of their 30,000 days. If they can live their dreams . . . then why can’t we?

Salty Kisses,


If you you’d like tips and ideas on how to make the most of your 30,000 days, sign up below for my monthly newsletter.

22 responses to “What Are You Doing With Your 30,000 Days?”

  1. Found you on the Commons. Can’t find the thread to respond there, so here’s my feeback. Very inspirational and uplifting. Love the sea foam green background; fits with your love of the ocean. The embedded Tweet feed was cool and worked.

  2. Every time I read your blog, I get one step closer to making the first step to being brave. I’m not sure what I need to brave about, I just know that I need to be brave. Love you and your words. Thank you for making me think EVERY day.

    • I love it! That is so adorable! Thank you for your sweet words. I was just thinking about you earlier today, how I need to give you a prize or something for being my #1 fan! Love you gf and appreciate all the support! xoxo

    • Thank you Ana! I feel like I went a little over the top but I feel so strongly about living every moment as if it were our last! Thank you for your continued support! Have a great weekend!