The Breath In My Lungs

A variety of mollusks clinging to the seawall, becoming submerged as the waves pass over them.
A variety of mollusks clinging to the seawall, becoming submerged as the waves pass over them.

I went on a run this morning.  The surf was lackluster and I needed to move my body and be outside.  As I was running, these words came to me.  I envisioned being in the ocean, under water, as the waves washed over me.  I correlate it with life.  I don’t write poetry, but for some reason I felt the need to give this one a home.

The Breath In My Lungs

The breath in my lungs, keeps me alive

in the submergence of liquid fire;

in the castaway shadows of life.

The air I breathe, takes on new forms,

accepting of turbulence and disquiet.

I cherish these breaths;

this life force.

I awaken to see what’s ahead of me.

I coerce the air into my lungs

to maintain vitality.

I toss and turn in the darkness.

Body and mind of tumultuous spirit,

blending together in commotion.

The beauty of life

ever changing,

melding of soul and body.

Feeling submersed.

Free flowing depth;

limbs limp,

mind empty.

Liquid engulfs me, inundates me.

Overtakes me.

I am awakening to new existence.

Biorhythms alter, yet

physiology is the same.

I emerge to light

and am thankful

for the breath in my lungs.

 Whatever is happening in life, whatever waves are crashing over us, what is inside remains the same. Our mind, our body, our spirit. We have what it takes within us to handle what comes our way.

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