Tag: fear

  • How To Stop Taking Life For Granted

    How To Stop Taking Life For Granted

    What it takes to live abundantly and stop taking your life for granted.

  • Your Courage is Greater Than Your Fear

    Your Courage is Greater Than Your Fear

    What scares you? Last week, when talking about what holds us back from reaching our true potential, one thing that kept coming up was fear.

  • Connection


    Connection. To find a way to you. A bridge. A bow line. A tunnel. A link in a daisy chain. That is why I write this blog. To connect. To connect with you. With people I love. With strangers. With myself. With the universe. I feel that is why we are put on this planet.…

  • Having The Confidence To Just Be

    Having The Confidence To Just Be

    I am going to get real for a moment. A little bit vulnerable. You may or may not have noticed, I haven’t posted in a while. Nothing. Nada. Haven’t even written a word. In all honesty, I surfed 5 out of the last 6 days. Something I rarely do anymore since I’ve started writing and…

  • Are You Ready To Live Your Dreams In The New Year?

    Are You Ready To Live Your Dreams In The New Year?

    The tagline on my personal instagram account is a song lyric from the band Switchfoot. “Every breath is a second chance.” Every moment of our lives we get another chance to live our dreams; to create a life worth living. I believe this all year long, so I am not exactly sure why I get…

  • Why We Need To Keep Talking About Breast Cancer

    Why We Need To Keep Talking About Breast Cancer

    Why is it important to continue talking about breast cancer?  Haven’t we exhausted the conversation already?  Doesn’t everyone already know about it? Breast cancer has been around for many years.  We have become really good at talking about it.  We even devote a whole month to it.  It’s a common disease that people have become used…

  • What We Learn From Brain Surgery: The Time Is Now

    Dedicated with love to my friend J. A headache.  A simple, nagging pain in the ass headache.  We all get them.  We have all felt the pounding. The throbbing. The dull ache. This headache, a suspected migraine, took her to urgent care.  She was seeking relief.  As the days went on, the relief was nowhere…

  • Six Lessons Surfing Taught Me About Life

    Six Lessons Surfing Taught Me About Life

      Ironically, I have learned many lessons about life through surfing.  Over the course of my 11 years as a surfer, I have discovered ways to correlate what goes on in the water to what happens on land.  Surfing has been an excellent teacher. Here are six lessons surfing has taught me about living a…

  • Surfing, Fear, and Jury Duty

    Two weeks ago I was called for jury duty.  The morning I was to report, I packed my new book and was resigned to the idea of spending my day in a courthouse.  From previous experiences, I was anticipating a lot of waiting. Long story short, by lunchtime I was on a jury. We were…

  • The Wisdom Is In The Moment

    “Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot.  Seek the path that demands your whole being.”   Rumi Bolsa Chica State Beach Today in the water the conditions reminded me of the day a couple weeks ago when I was stung by the stingray.  Beautiful weather, small waves, lowish tide.  As I was headed in…