Tag: authentic living

  • What Happens When You Don’t Recognize Yourself

    What Happens When You Don’t Recognize Yourself

    What happens when you don’t recognize yourself anymore? There are times in all of our lives when we feel out of sync. When we wake up and just don’t recognize ourselves in the mirror anymore. We desperately search ourselves for a resemblance of who we used to be, who we believe ourselves to be in…

  • What Happens When You Deny Your True Self

    What Happens When You Deny Your True Self

    As a surfer and lover of the sea I truly believe in the power of the mermaid. In fact, I believe we are all mermaids. I like to think all women hold the unparalleled mysticism of mermaids. These are the characteristics I assign to our inner self. Our true self. We are all magical, legendary,…