How To Stay Motivated And Get Sh*t Done

How to stay motivated and get stuff done. Are you standing in your own way ? Here are some questions to ask to find out.

How to stay motivated and get stuff done. Are you standing in your own way ? Here are some questions to ask to find out.

Staying motivated and being productive can be easier said than done.

Do you have problems staying motivated?

Are you moving in the direction of what you say you want? If not, have you really examined why?

You may be getting in your own way.

We talk about things we wish for or desire but are we putting in the work to actually make them happen?

We are in the driver’s seat of our lives. We determine the direction our life is headed.

Are you feeling less than productive? Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you might be the one standing in your own way.

Getting and Staying Motivated: Questions To Ask Yourself

Getting Motivated

  1. Are you clear about your objective? Have you really thought through what you want to accomplish and why? It is important to get clear on your motivating factors. This is your big why; your mission statement. Especially if we’re talking about big dreams and intentions, this is important. Write it down.
  2. Do you have a plan? Are your goals written down?  After putting thought into the big why, it is important to write down the what. What steps are you going to take to reach the end?
  3. Is your main objective too big to swallow? Break it into smaller, realistic, bite size goals. Here are some tips for help with goal setting.
  4. Are you accountable to anyone? Have you told anyone of your plans? This is an important part of dream chasing. The universe wants to help you reach your goals and the more you put your desires/dreams/goals out there, the more support you will receive. Plus, you’ll have someone to call you out when you get off track.  🙂
  5. Do you have support? Is anyone helping you on this journey? We can’t do it alone my friends. Whether it’s someone who can give you that gentle nudge when you need it,  someone to commiserate with, or someone to cheer you on-it’s helpful to fall back on other people to help you stay motivated.
  6. Do you have a visual reminder? Do you have a written mission statement or picture posted somewhere you can see it? This is something to rely on when you lose motivation and focus, because you will. It helps remind you why your goal is important and why you want it so bad.
  7. Are you procrastinating and complaining? If we spent half as much time actually doing what it is we’re complaining about, we’d already have it done. Stop bitching about it and do it.
  8. Have you started? Or are you still just talking about it? It’s time to start.

Staying Motivated

  1. Are you patient with yourself? Most of the time, anything worth achieving is difficult. It takes time and hard work. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day and cut yourself some slack. Even baby steps are still steps.
  2. Do you reward yourself for progress? Having something to look forward to can help you with tasks that aren’t much fun. For example: when you accomplish 3 of your bite size goals, reward yourself with a new book, a Netflix binge, or happy hour with friends.
  3. What inspires you? Are you fueling yourself with inspiration? Read inspirational stories, post inspiring quotes, talk with people who have done what you are doing. Stay inspired.
  4. What is your plan for the hard days? There will be days where you lose steam and want to quit. Just know they are coming and prepare.
  5. Have you fallen off the bus? If you’ve been unproductive for some time, make a commitment to start again.
  6. Do you visualize yourself being productive and achieving your goal? Your mind is a powerful tool. Use it.
  7. Are you writing down daily/weekly progress and struggles? Jot down what works and what doesn’t. Note your small wins.
  8. Are you making time for what needs to get done? Can you get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later to work toward your goal? Can you give up TV time to be more productive? Things will be a little uncomfortable when we are working toward something important.
  9. Are you letting your inner critic take the driver’s seat? Keep that b**ch outta there. Your inner critic will do nothing but derail your efforts. Notice when you start to discourage yourself or use limiting beliefs. This is not you, it is not your truth. This is your inner critic and what s/he tells you is nothing but lies. You CAN do it! If you need help silencing her/him-watch this.
  10. Are you easily distracted? Are you constantly on your phone? Checking emails? Getting up from what you’re doing to do something else? Do you spend time doing things that are unimportant? Set a timer for a specified amount of time, work on what needs to get done, and don’t get up until it goes off. Unless something is on fire . . . then you can get up.  🙂
  11. How’s your attitude? Maybe you are just trying to stay motivated to go to work everyday and raise your family. That’s a huge and worthwhile goal for sure. Do you have an attitude of gratitude? (cheesy I know). 🙂

Sometimes, we need motivation just to get through the day. This type of motivation can only come from an attitude change. Changing how we think about things.

If your job isn’t all you’d hoped (but it pays the bills) and your kids or spouse are getting on your last nerve (hey-it happens) then maybe all you can change right now is your attitude.

Declan OFlaherty makes a good point when talking about creating a positive mental attitude. I especially like his last point, urging us to “journey well.” Life is about the journey not the destination. We don’t need to get anywhere if we accept we are already here.

I believe that where we are in life is exactly where we need to be. Maybe it’s time to start that new business, take that European vacation, or add an addition onto the house.

But, maybe it’s not.

It’s important to have dreams for the future, this means we are growing and thriving, refusing to stay stagnant.

But, maybe we need to realize that for whatever reason, at this point in life, we just need to be okay with where we are. We just need to stay motivated in the here and now.

And this takes a mental shift. A willingness to harness the power we have to change our attitude and decide to be happy right where we are.

We have the ability to make our ordinary days extraordinary.

I don’t think people realize this. That WE have the power to create a life we love.

Salty Kisses,

17 responses to “How To Stay Motivated And Get Sh*t Done”

  1. These are great. I get easily distracted and it messes me up when I start something else and I remember I was half way into what I was doing. I also love the name of your blog, cute!

    • Aww thanks Leslie! I am the same . . . the phone is the worst for me. I have to bury it under stuff when I’m trying to work. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • Hi! Karen!? Read this Again!? It’s so right on… I’m in a bad depression loop & working with my Dr. to get out of it it’s paralyzing me. Has been for yrs such panic/ anxiety I don’t often leave my home. I know” just do it” sounds easy for some of us that struggle with Severe depression it’s sometimes just a victory to get out of bed…my one motivation is I’ve rescued an abused dog & have to take care of him play with him he’s a God send! Just needed a loving ear & Bless you Darlin you are making a difference in so many lives you have no idea! I Love you dearly you are family you know! Always & forever! I Love you much Karen! Hang in there in this wonderful next phase of your life as your kids are on their journey! Excellent job you’ve done with these extraordinary human beings youve given your all to! Your Momma would be so proud of you ALL! Especially you!???????PS couldn’t get your 19 steps to remember said oh wasn’t available..can you send them some other way? Thanks Sweetheart! Have a Beautiful weekend!tellSteve Hi!?

      • Hi Patti- I am sorry you are in a hard place right now! I am so glad you commented because I sometimes feel my writing leaves out a segment of the population that does suffer with anxiety and depression. It’s not easy to just do it when you are feeling depressed. I LOVE that you and your little four legged friend are rescuing each other! I reduced my dogs as well and I feel they give me way more than I give them. I love you and hope you are feeling better soon!! I will get the 19 steps to you . . . I am having technological issues! xoxo

  2. ehh…Not so cheesy! Gratitude is a great reminder!

    I’m looking for an accountability partner as I wrote my book. It’s easy to put down the pen and go for a walk in the woods. “Something to write about” I tell myself but really I just don’t want to work. 😉

    • Haha right – sometimes we do need that reflective, down time but we must make sure we’re not just procrastinating. Thanks for commenting Robin! xx

  3. Those are valid points. I hate to admit it, but the first one is the toughest for me. I am not into missions statements, unless “I just wanna be happy” is one. I have gotten better at writing to do lists, though. If for nothing else than feeling great about checking those boxes 😉


    • Thanks Tamara! I agree . . . I never did personal mission statements until I started my business. It helped me so much with that that I thought it would help me stay on course with my life. Thank you for your comment and for stopping by! 🙂

  4. This is great encouragement! I like your ideas about not getting in our own way and supporting ourselves all the way through the process.

    Saw your post in the weekly blog lineup in Have Your Cupcake.

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!


  5. Hi, Karen

    I really love your quote “we have the power to create a life we love”. Many people don’t realize that power inside. But it can be happened only when we are motivated to take actions.

    All your questions are powerful ones which stir deeply the internal thinking. I like the question: “Have you started?”. Many of us dream a lot of things in life. However, many can’t reach their dreams because they do not take actions.

    Excellence post, Karen.

    Will Share!

    Stella Chiu