How Being Uncomfortable Helps You Become Your Best

Feeling comfortable even when you can't see the road ahead.

When you have a choice to do what’s comfortable or take an unfamiliar path, which do you choose?

Do you like to see clearly what is ahead of you or are you okay with venturing into the unknown?

When surfing, I prefer to see the wave I’m riding clearly with a straight, unobstructed view. I want to know what is coming and face it head on.

If I take a wave left, my back is to the wave. It isn’t as easy to see the whole wave ahead of me this way.

When I go right, I face the wave and it is effortless to see where I am headed. Since I am regular footed, going right just feels more natural. It’s easier. It’s much more fun.

(In surfing, you are either goofy footed or regular footed. This basically describes which foot goes in front of the other when you pop up on your board to ride a wave. I am regular footed, so my right foot goes behind and my left foot is in the front. So for me, I prefer going right because this stance lets me face the wave. This is called front side.)

Depending on where the wave is breaking, I have to pick a direction. I have to decide between going right, which is more comfortable, or going left, which, even after 12 years of surfing, still feels a little awkward.

Taking off backside isn’t scary. I am not afraid of going left, it just isn’t as pleasurable. It’s not as intuitive. I can turn my head to look in the direction I’m headed, but I’m not directly facing what’s coming in front of me. This isn’t as enjoyable as when I go right and can look squarely in the face of the wave to see where I’m going.

When I first started surfing, I had to make a conscious effort to take off on lefts even when I didn’t want to. In order to get more relaxed going backside, I had to force myself to do it.

I had to make a choice to go left on a wave knowing it would be much easier to just wait for a right.

In surfing, like in life, sometimes we have to make the uncomfortable choice.

[Tweet “In surfing, like in life, sometimes we have to make the uncomfortable choice.”]

Sometimes we have to consciously choose to take on situations even when we can’t see the outcome clearly. Situations where maybe we get a glimpse, but don’t know exactly how things will turn out.

It takes effort to make a leap of faith, get out of that comfort zone, and do it anyway.

I wonder, while surfing, how many fun lefts I missed because I would rather take the easy way and wait for a right?

At the same time, how many times did I miss out in life because I took the road more traveled? The one that I could see clearly; that was familiar and comfortable?

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost

[Tweet “How many times have I missed out in life because I took the road more traveled?”]

If we want to grow into the best versions of ourselves, we need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. We need to take on certain situations even when it would be easier not to. When it would be easier and take less effort to make a safe and predictable choice. Situations where we are not necessarily afraid, but we need to take a risk.

We need to decide: Will we choose the unknown and potentially uncomfortable path to receive greater personal results? To grow into all we were meant to be?

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” M. Scott Peck

The uncomfortable times, the times we can’t see clearly what is ahead; this is really where the magic happens.

[Tweet “The uncomfortable times, the times we can’t see what is ahead; this is where the magic happens. “]

This is where we develop our confidence. Where we truly come to understand all we are capable of. Where we expand our ability for gratitude. Where we foster a life of meaning.

This is where we fulfill our greatest potential. Making the safe choice doesn’t push us to be anything but stagnant.

Trying something new, being uncomfortable, and taking risks. These are the surest ways to take ourselves to the next level. To make our lives all they can be.

We will never reach our highest star if we play it safe . . . if we stay where it’s comfortable.

We will only get there if we are willing to let our feet leave the security of the ground, even if it’s just for a moment.

Salty Kisses,


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Photo: Dollar Photo Club




10 responses to “How Being Uncomfortable Helps You Become Your Best”

  1. I’m currently at that path choosing point and am able to laugh at myself when I think: I don’t need to know PRECISELY what happens I just would love to know that it would all be OK in the end if I chose the path to the right 🙂

  2. I was attracted to the title of your blog! Risks and change can be uncomfortable and scary. Staying in your comfort zone can be stifling and static. I try to experience both, at different times in my life!

    • Thanks Ellen! Glad the title drew you in! Sometimes I do forget that staying inside my comfort zone is okay, I just don’t want to get too comfortable there. Thank you for visiting and for your comment!

  3. Love this. I’ve never done well when I’ve made the “safe” choice. Heading out into unfamiliar territory again over the next couple months as I learn to record audiobooks. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Right Anne! It’s so great to be able to look back and see how much richer our lives our when we risk a little! Good luck with your new endeavor and thank you for visiting!

  4. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and doing swim to rotto in a duo. A 20km ocean race and I am freaking out about it but I am sure it will be all worth it in the end

    • Wow! I’m impressed Anne! Have you done something like this before? Ocean swimming scares the crap out of me! 🙂 Good luck and it WILL be worth it in the end!

  5. Karen, you definitely already know this by now but…I had to comment: I absolutely love your blog and the messages you share. You’re a true inspiration. Thank you for everything you do 🙂

    • Oh Darlin’! You are so sweet! Thank you for saying that. Doubt always has a way of creeping in so I appreciate the support by awesome people like you!! Thank you so much! 🙂 xx