Do You Surrender To Fun?

Surrender To Fun

Surrender To Fun
Surrender To Fun

Ask yourself: Are you feeling stagnant in your life; just going through the motions?

Or are you living intentionally? Are you having fun intentionally?

I just love that word . . . intentionally.

It means whatever we do, whatever choices we make, we intend to do them. They are all part of the plan. They’re deliberate.

It also means (and this is the really incredible part) that we are the ultimate craftsman of our existence. Our intentional daily choices, make up weekly and monthly mindfulness, and this leads to a life lived on purpose.

[Tweet “We are the ultimate craftsman of our existence.”]

How awesome! We are in control of designing our life.

And I am on a mission to encourage people to design the largest life possible.

Part of that means intentionally adding fun to the blueprint.

It’s no secret that I like to have fun. There are things on this earth that I really enjoy doing (i.e. surfing) and I make it a priority to do them.

Do you know why? Because life is really fuckin’ short. If we live into our 80s we have approximately 30,000 days. DAYS!

I realize sometimes, when you’re in the midst of struggle, life feels really long.

But, it’s not. It’s tiny. Miniscule.

Compared to the long span of time that came before us and the countless days that will come after we are gone, our time on this planet is elfin.

So that is why I make an effort to have fun.

It doesn’t mean I don’t have sh** going on in my life. It doesn’t mean my life is perfect . . . because it is not.

I know with social media we only really post the good stuff. You don’ t see anyone talking on Facebook about the ‘F’ their kids got on a test or the college they didn’t get in to. You don’t see on Instagram when they’re riding the porcelain bus because last night was just soooo fun. And you won’t find them saying on Twitter how they just did a really shitty thing to someone and no feel guilty.

Maybe I’ll start posting the not so fun stuff. Like my bad hair days, or the days I get a rejection letter from a writing submission, or the days I get in a huge fight with one of my kids and feel like the worst parent on the planet. Or maybe I’ll post when I’m pulling my  hair out with frustration because I’m trying to change my blog platform and I hate technology.

Maybe I should show the not so fun days, too.

Because, although I like to have fun and I make it a priority, that isn’t necessarily real life. Life isn’t just about the good stuff.

But, what is important to know, is I do make fun a priority, and you should, too.

I give myself permission to have fun. I am a 46 year old woman and it has taken me many years of adulthood to be able to say that without guilt. (I kinda feel like a man.)  😉

How silly is that?  I wasted years of my life not fully being able to surrender to fun. Worrying about what other people would think. Uneasy that it made me look like a bad mom. Concerned I wasn’t being productive enough or that I didn’t deserve to have fun.

Well no more!

I LOVE having fun! And I love documenting it. So I can look back and say, “Damn, that was a good day.”

If you’re new to the whole fun without guilt thing, here are three easy ways you can surrender to fun:

  1. First and foremost, give yourself permission. Allow yourself to have fun without guilt.
  2. Second, say “Yes.” If someone invites you to do something, if it’s legal and within your values, say “Yes!”
  3. And then, make the time for fun. This might mean getting up earlier or not spending time on social media or watching tv, but fun takes priority.

See? Easy . . .

When designing the largest life possible, I want you to ask yourself,  “When is the last time I had fun?”

Because sometimes we forget.

Sometimes we need a reminder that life can be hard and we need and deserve to have fun.

Because we only get one chance. One chance to live this one day of our one life.

So we better squeeze in some fun.

[Tweet “We only get one chance to live this one day of our one life. So we better make it good.”]

If you need convincing to give yourself permission to add more enjoyment in your life, read this.

And if you know anyone who needs more fun . . . please share on Twitter or Facebook.  🙂

Salty Fun Kisses,


10 responses to “Do You Surrender To Fun?”

  1. You are so right! We are all so busy with daily life, work, projects, family, that we just forget to make time for fun. Fun is not a luxury, it’s a necessity!

  2. Fantastic post! So upbeat and kick-ass! Had to have this on my writer’s Facebook page. Isn’t it shocking when you break down your possible life-span into days? I did that once and wished I hadn’t! At that point I’d had around 19,000 and was shocked at how many I had wasted on crap!!!!! Can’t tell you how much I love this post – it has to be my favorite of everything I have read on the Internet in YEARS!!!!! It is a real spirit-lifter. Thank you!