Ten Ways To Discover Your Passions

Discover your passions

A passion is defined as something arousing enthusiasm.

Our passions are the things that make life sweet. They are not things we do because we have to. They are the things we do because we want to. Because they arouse our enthusiasm.

If you are enthusiastic about something, don’t passively follow it. Pursue it. Engage with it. Explore it. Nurture it. Chase it down and dance with it.

Our interests deserve active love on our part. They deserve to be uncovered, dusted off, and nurtured. We need to care for them and give them attention like we would a child. Our passions deserve to not merely be followed, but to be lived to the greatest extent possible.

The things that we are passionate about are part of what make us who we are. When we deny these, we deny our true self.

[Tweet “The things that we are passionate about, are part of what make us who we are.”]

Some facts about passions:

  • When you make time and actively engage in your passions, you become the best version of yourself.
  • When you listen to your inner voice and nurture the things inside that light you up, the world responds. Doors open.
  • Discovering and spending time doing what you love makes you happy and this happiness will exude from your pores. Others will respond to your authentic joy.
  • When you cultivate your passions, you start inspiring people to do the same; especially when your passions are eccentric or  a little wild. People love to see other people doing crazy stuff. It gives them hope that maybe their passions aren’t so crazy after all.

I often hear, “I dont know what my passions are.” Or, “I’m not passionate about anything.”


Everyone has obsessions and things that turn their crank. If you don’t know what yours are then you’ve been neglecting them for far too long. It’s time to go on a recovery mission.

[Tweet “If you don’t know what your passions are, you’ve been neglecting them for far too long. “]

I had to do this myself a few years ago, so I know what I’m talking about!

A common saying is, “Find your passion.”

First off, we don’t have just one passion, we are multifaceted and may have several.

Secondly, we don’t need to find our passions. We must uncover them. We already know where they are. They’re inside us.

Here are a few ways to discover what your passions are:

[Tweet “Here are ways to discover what your passions are.”]

  • When you are engaged with your passions, you will lose all track of time. When does this happen?
  • Your mind will take you to your passions when it has time and space. Not including work or loved ones, what do you think about when you actually have time and space to breathe? Take time to get quiet and find out.
  • Your passions are relentless. They are the things that are always in the recesses of your mind. They will keep coming back. What does your mind always bring you back to?
  • Other than work, family, or socializing, when you have a free afternoon, how would you want to spend it?
  • Your passions will start to push your limits; and you will like it. When you begin exploring and nurturing your passions, they will take you outside of your comfort zone and you will gladly follow. You might be afraid, but you are willing to be afraid because you are pursuing something that sets your soul on fire. When are you the most brave?
  • When you are engaged in your passions, you feel lighter because you are traveling the path that was built for you. You feel confident that these are things you were meant to do. Living your passions makes you happy. You feel fulfilled.
  • If something keeps nagging you, or you keep seeing “signs,” or you keep returning to something, this is the world showing you what your passions are.
  • Try new things. If you’re curious about something, give it a try.
  • You’ll know it’s the real deal when it takes hold and your passion leads you somewhere hard or scary and you want to keep going.
  • If you’re willing to risk failure, then you know you’re on the right track. This is true for most things actually
  • Trust yourself.

[Tweet “If you’re willing to risk failure, then you know you’re on the right track.”]

After spending many years as a stay home mom, it took me a while to get back into a habit of nurturing my passions. I had put my desires on the back burner while raising my family.

I don’t recommend this.

Always try to keep your finger on the pulse of your passions. This way, when your’e ready for them, they won’t be hard to find.

[Tweet “Keep your finger on the pulse of your passions so when your’e ready for them, they won’t be hard to find.”]

Salty Kisses,


If you’d like to learn more tips on finding your passions or making the most out of life through courage, connection, and keeping’ it real, sign up for my newsletter below.



12 responses to “Ten Ways To Discover Your Passions”

  1. Love this! It’s funny how when you make a decision about doing something (or not) the feeling you get when you find a “match” gives instant validation. Thanks for this.

    • Yes Laurie-Ms. Gilbert is a wise woman for sure! It’s really simple isn’t it . . . pay attention to what we are curious about! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Perfect post for the end of the year.

    It’s amazing how easy it is to just stow our passions away as soon as we leave college (or enter college?) and head out into the real world. Our society is so focussed on making money, we forget all about what we like to do.

    For a long time I was one of those people who said “I don’t have any passions”, but dammit, it’s just not true. Now that I’ve spent some time tuning into them, they are loud and clear.


    • That is awesome Jane; that you started paying attention to them! I think a lot of people spend their lives not nurturing them for one reason or another and end up feeling unfulfilled! Thank you for taking time to read the post and for your comment!

  3. Great reminder that your passion will push you… but that you will like it. Currently doing what I can to keep pushing and not back down.