Category: How To Listen To Your Inner Voice

  • Your Inner Voice: A Quick and Dirty Guide

    Your inner voice. Something it would benefit you to become extremely familiar with. Your inner voice is the only one that knows where you want to go and how to get you there. There are many other outside influences that think they know where you should go. Or that try to tell you who you should be.…

  • What Happens When You Deny Your True Self

    What Happens When You Deny Your True Self

    As a surfer and lover of the sea I truly believe in the power of the mermaid. In fact, I believe we are all mermaids. I like to think all women hold the unparalleled mysticism of mermaids. These are the characteristics I assign to our inner self. Our true self. We are all magical, legendary,…

  • Always Be True To Yourself

    Always Be True To Yourself

    “Always be true to yourself,” my mother would say. “Don’t try to be something you’re not.” She was right when she imparted this advice. I have been reminded of this wise tip over the past few months.  It doesn’t feel right to try to squeeze yourself into a mold that isn’t yours. It simply doesn’t fit.…