Your Inner Voice: A Quick and Dirty Guide

Quick and dirty guide to your inner voice

Your inner voice. Something it would benefit you to become extremely familiar with.

Your inner voice is the only one that knows where you want to go and how to get you there.

There are many other outside influences that think they know where you should go. Or that try to tell you who you should be. When in fact, your inner voice has all the answers.

There is never a need to look further than inside your heart and mind to find them.

Here are things you need to know about your inner voice:

  1. Your inner voice is always right. She has her finger on the pulse of your dreams and desires; who you really are.
  2. Your inner voice knows you better than you know yourself.
  3. Your inner voice is your true self. It is your intuition; your soul speaking to you.
  4. Your inner voice is dying for you to listen! She wants to be your bff.
  5. Your inner voice is the part of you that is divine. She was created to be the link between what’s in your soul and your reality.
  6. Your inner voice wants you to live the most kick ass life imaginable. And she’s here to tell you the way to do it. (Hint: it starts by making time to listen to and be true to yourself.)
  7. Your inner voice is tenacious. She will keep coming back until you hear what s/he is trying to say. She will never be discouraged.
  8. Listening to your inner voice takes practice. You have to consciously make room for her.
  9. Your inner voice will give you signs:
  • hair-raising on the back of your neck
  • goose bumps
  • “coincidences”
  • day dreams
  • sleep dreams
  • things that wake you up in the middle of the night
  • things you just can’t get off your mind

If you want to find out what happens when you deny your inner voice, read this.

Your inner voice wants to be your bff. Click To Tweet Your inner voice is the part of you that is divine; the link between your soul and your reality. Click To Tweet

If you can’t hear your inner voice, it’s ok. Don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault. Sometimes we haven’t met our inner voice; we don’ t even know she is there.

Not to mention, the world is pretty damn noisy, it’s hard to mindfully and consciously shut it out so you can hear yourself.

And sometimes, after yielding to the pressures of modern life, working, raising a family, building up our 401ks and getting two shiny new cars in the driveway, we stop listening to the guidance of our inner voice.

We start listening to society that tells us the numbers in our bank account matter more than the content of our character or our desire to live a life of meaning.

We start listening to our friends and family, who have good intentions, but might want us to make choices that lead to financial security instead of ones that lead to setting our soul on fire.

We start falling victim to the labels and the hats we wear and the roles we have ourselves wrapped in.

We start listening to everyone else around us that, although well-meaning, don’t know what is in our heart.

Only you know what is in there; and your inner voice wants to talk with you about it.

Tips to get reacquainted with your inner voice:


I know, I know. Ok, don’t roll your eyes. I’m not talking about chanting and taking vows of silence (although I have no judgement if your meditation practice is on this level, I bow down). I’m talking about taking a minimum of 15 minutes a day to get quiet and make a date with yourself and your inner voice. You’ll be amazed at how clearly you can hear her when you make the time and space for her to show up.

  • Just take 15 minutes (I do this in the morning before life gets going).
  • Play soft music if you want. Close your eyes and just be. Be open to what your soul brings you.
  • When you start thinking about the grocery list or your 10am meeting, gently push it out of your mind. It takes practice, but you’ll get used to it.
  • Set a timer if you’d like.


Try free writing. Don’t tell me you’re just not a writer or you have nothing to say. You don’t have to be a writer to do this. You just have to be open to following your heart.

  • Buy a journal specifically for your inner voice and just sit down and write.
  • Write whatever comes into your brain. Don’t censor it. Set the timer for however long you can stand and don’t stop until it goes off. Even if you just write gibberish for a bit, don’t stop.
  • You don’t even have to read it just then. In fact, it’s best if you don’t.
  • Go back after some time, a few days or weeks, and see what your inner voice had to say.

I love doing this and then going back after a few weeks to read what I’ve written. It’s like uncovering buried treasure.

Meditate + Write:

This is the blue light special! If you meditate and then free write afterwards! BAM! Hello inner voice!

Get outside:

Go on a walk or a run alone, without your cell phone. Crazy right? We are so distracted these days with constant access to, well, everything, it’s no wonder you can’t hear your inner voice speaking to you.

Get out in nature:

For me this is surfing. But, it can be anything that takes you away from the noise and chaos.

Go for a drive:

Hop in your car and just go. But, here’s the key, don’t listen to the radio. I drive a ’69 VW Bug. When I bought it, the radio (original) didn’t work. I decided not to get it fixed. I am totally in the moment when I drive that car. There is nothing to distract me and I am able to hear when my inner voice speaks up.

Take a trip:

This may not be feasible right now, depending on finances and responsibilities, but if you can take a short getaway, alone, I guarantee you your inner voice won’t shup up. Think of it as a retreat.

After you practice these things for a while, you will start noticing your inner voice (aka your true self) showing up at every turn.

Once you start noticing and listening to your inner voice – start honoring what she’s telling you. Trust it. Make decisions based on it. Worst case scenario, you open yourself up to new adventures, even if they don’t turn out to be quite right.

Best case scenario is you start to live your life in technicolor, in alignment with what is in your heart and soul.

Your inner voice helps you live your life in technicolor, are you listening? Click To Tweet

So what have you got to lose?

If you need more ideas or encouragement on being true to yourself and designing a life you love, sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Salty Kisses,


Tips to get reacquainted with your inner voice. Click To Tweet

Salty Kisses,


27 responses to “Your Inner Voice: A Quick and Dirty Guide”

    • Hi Rebecca! Thank you! Even though mostly women read my site, I don’t want the guys to feel left out! haha Thank you for your comment. It’s so easy to ignore our inner voice but once we start listening, amazing things happen!

  1. Karen, I love this post. It’s so useful and inspiring at the same time. I believe that your inner voice also tells you what your true desires are, and for many women this is sometimes so hard to know. We’re told to silence what we truly want and then we forget. The way to our inner voice is the way back to the life we really want. Thanks for sharing!

    • Yes! Yes! Yes! Murielle. I think also we get so used to taking care of others, sometimes we drown out our inner voice with that of those around us. Thank you for taking time to read my post!

  2. I agree that our inner voice is the best guidance. Many times when I’m stuck in life I’ll pray for guidance and it always comes. Maybe its not the answer I’m looking for, but its there nonetheless. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. What a great post Karen. You are so lucky to have a 69 bug! I find that latey what works best for me is to take a walk alone or run on the treadmill. 🙂

    • Thank you Gigi! Yes-I love my bug, it’s fun to just drive around town in. And I as well like taking a walk or run, I feel like afterwards, I have always solved the world’s problems in my mind! 🙂

  4. So true about your inner voice, kind of like a gut feeling. I have ignored so many in my early life and it’s gotten me in trouble. I love your article today. Always listen. Today I wrote about finding your Inner Peace and how I made that happen. Love to you my beach friend.
    Love, The Mouthy Mermaid.

    • Yes-so true Thelma! We deny our intuition so often and end up going down the wrong path when we do. Thank you for your sweet comments and I am glad you listen to your inner voice better now – she has your best interest at heart! xx