3 Minutes That Can Change Your Life

Three minutes is all it takes to start living a life you love.

Three minutes is all it takes to start living a life you love.A Change For The Better

What is one thing you’d like to change right now to make your life better?

There might be several things, but I am sure there is at least one bubbling at the surface.

Even a small change, will take you closer to a life you love.

Making the change is simple.

What is hard, and what keeps us living stagnant and unfulfilled lives, is not having the courage to actually take action and make that change.

What you need to start those wheels in motion is to get off the couch, take 3 minutes, make a decision, and move.

The change itself might be hard. It might be challenging. It might even be a bit scary. But, if you make the choice to use the next three minutes to make this change, it will be worth it.

Change is always worth it. Click To Tweet

What Needs To Change For You To Live A Life You Love?

Do you need to:

  • Start exercising more?
  • Stop talking about writing a book and just start?
  • Reach out to a friend and make amends?
  • Start surfing. (Yes! 🙂 )
  • Finally use your vacation days and take a trip?
  • Spend more time with your children?
  • Take an online design course?
  • Make a phone call to someone who mentioned a new job opportunity for you?
  • Spend more time doing things you love?
  • Say yes to an invitation?
  • Start turning your hobby into something more?
  • Look into opening that business?

What change do you need to move you in the direction of your dreams?

What have you been putting off because you’ve been over thinking it? Because your mind has been holding you back?

Aren’t you tired of letting your limiting beliefs keep you from making this change; keep you from following your dreams?

We have a tendency to let our brain take over and keep us stagnant; our brain tells us change is too scary or we won’t be successful or people might think we’re crazy.

Our mind keeps us stuck.

When we let our mind sabotage our thoughts, we stay stagnant.

And when we believe we are powerless to change our life, we are.

I understand there are circumstances beyond our control sometimes.  However, the patterns we get into and the self-defeating thoughts we cling to, are the reason we don’t have the life we dream of.

We need something to change.

What if I told you 3 minutes is all it takes.

Our mind is a powerful tool and when we use it to our advantage, our life will open up.

If you believe you can change your life, you can. Click To Tweet

So take three minutes and give it a try.

Make a decision to act on whatever is in you soul. Don’t let your mind keep you stuck.

Your inner voice is the gateway between what is in your heart and what you do; it is trying to tell you what you need to be fulfilled in this life.  Are you paying attention?

Once you pay attention to what your heart and soul are trying to tell you, take a step in that direction. Don’t think about it. Don’t let your mind talk you out of it. Figure out what the first step is and make it. Take three minutes and leap.

  • Make the phone call.
  • Check out the PhD program.
  • Join that networking group.
  • Reach out to a mentor.
  • Start that blog.
  • Sign up to go skydiving.
  • Write the first sentence on the first page.

Don’t talk about it. Don’t think about it. Do it.

Isn’t it time to stop waiting and create a life you love?

Whatever idea pops in your head that tickles your fancy, take just three minutes and move.

You will find making change is really not that complicated. It simply takes the courage to set your dream in motion and the three short minutes that follow.

If you need help making change to create a life you love, I’d love to help. I am a quick email away.

Salty Kisses,


6 responses to “3 Minutes That Can Change Your Life”

  1. I just have to continue to believe in my novel writing, to not give up that I will follow the path I want to follow. I guess I am now an official dream chaser, Karen. Thanks.

  2. Hi, Karen

    The change comes to our life is not by how much we talk about it or we think about it. It comes after we will take the action.To prevent us to let the mind overtake our thoughts, we really need to act on immediately after that is in our hearts.

    Last week, I decided to work on two things daily starting today (7//1/16): writing my first book and sleuthing business.
    I did my first 1000 words today and will do the sleuthing later on today. I strongly make this commitment to myself.

    Will share this encouraging piece of writing.

    Have a nice July 4 Long weekend!

    Stella Chiu